Tuesday, May 26, 2009

28 Weeks!!

Well . . . hello 3rd trimester! How'd you get here so quickly!? This week, Liam should weigh two and a quarter pounds (You know, like a Chinese cabbage. Um, ok.) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now have lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through the womb (once Brian reads this I am sure I will have a flashlight on my belly tonight!). He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world. Get chubby little one!!

Brian and I spent the entire 3-day weekend getting Liam's room set up. It looks great! I love the crib. The room is really inviting. I think I could live in there . . . and I am sure I will! We left the queen-size bed in there and it fits perfectly in its new spot. This is so we don't have to head to the couch during restless nights and we still have a place for guests/helpers that come to visit the new baby. I'd rather have it and get rid of it later than wish I had it. I think it will be a nice place to hang out and roll around with our little guy! I will post pictures soon, but not until Brian's paintings are framed and on the wall and the lamp arrives!

I have a prenatal massage (finally!) this afternoon, followed by our 28 week appointment. Last week I learned that I failed the glucose screening. You can't have over 139 and my number was 141. I now have to do a 3 hour test. UGH! I am going to try and make the appointment for this Friday. I am sure I will pass it since my number is so close. The nurse said it might just be what I ate the night before (geez - a sandwich!). More to come on that . . .

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